Interestingly, there are over 1500 types of bees found in Australia, including some smaller native bees who do not sting. Bees play an important part in the healthy balance of our environment through pollination of our gardens and fields established to provide our vegetables and fruits.
Large swarms of bees can often be found gathering around hot water systems, roof lines, fences or compost bins when weather conditions start to improve. Often, they move on by themselves as the location becomes no longer suitable. However, if they find it ideal and remain settled, large numbers of bees will soon become a nuisance and potentially threaten your safety, if someone has an allergy to bee stings.
Bees may occasionally be removed safely by waiting them out or intentionally disturbing their hive forcing them to leave and settle elsewhere. Other times they simply cannot be removed in a safe manner and need to be treated with chemicals by one of our trained professionals using a dust which works to flush them out and prevents them from returning. This form is more effective than spray treatments and usually safer than using harsh aerosols. Finally, the hive must have its access point covered to ensure bees can no longer enter.