Whilst there is no known relationship between bedbugs and disease transmitted to humans, these annoying blood-sucking creatures spend their time feeding on humans as much as possible. For some people the bite from a bedbug, which has saliva with anticoagulant properties injected into it, causes little to no pain or irritation. However, people who have an allergic reaction to this will often have local swelling at the site of the bite which is accompanied by mild to severe itching and irritation. Additionally, a bedbug will bite its victim numerous times in one area.
As its name suggests, the bedbug will more often than not spend its time during the dark hours of the day feeding on a human who is asleep in bed. Prior to their “mealtime”, these pests spend the majority of their time hiding in cracks and crevices within a relatively short distance to the bed, however can be found in curtain rods, light fittings and even the mattress itself.
As with other forms of DIY treatments and prevention on pests, ensuring the environment is free of preferred habitats for these creatures is always a perfect start. Regular cleanliness, filling in of potential harbouring areas and thorough inspection of any second-hand furniture being brought in helps the control of bedbugs, but additionally steaming is a very effective form of treatment used to kill the eggs and insects in mattresses and other fabrics without damaging or leaving undesirable residues.
Sourcing the professional services at The Pest Posse will provide you with peace of mind that a thorough inspection has been undertaken and the most effective application required for the type of infestation is used on your property to ensure eradication and prevention of a second outbreak. Where there is a well-established infestation, it is likely that the standard of cleanliness will need to be improved in an ongoing manner. Whereas, in a relatively hygienic dwelling where the bedbugs have been introduced via an outside source like second-hand furniture or a visitor, the chemical eradication will remain effective until such time as any future importation occurs.